This page contains information on Unisex Rumans. This page may contain info that might make you uncomfortable. if Sexual content, Genitals, etc makes you uncomfortable, I recommend going back to the Home page or something. This page contains no images/videos about this topic, just text about Unisex Rumans.


What is a Unisex Ruman?

A Unisex Ruman is a Ruman who has the ability to change their bottom genitals whenever they want. It's impossible to tell whether a Ruman is a Unisex Female/Male or a regular gendered Ruman. The only way you can tell if a Ruman is Unisexual is if the Ruman has an option in their system to change their genitals, has an X-ray, or just tells you that they're Unisexual.


How are Unisex Rumans born?

If the unisex Ruman is born with a penis, It's a Unisex Male. If the Unisex Ruman is born with a Vagina, It's a Unisex Female.


Which reproductive system does a Unisex Male/Female have?

Both believe it or not. for Unisex Males, the Main reproductive system is the Male one and for Unisex Females it's the Female one, but when the Unisex Ruman changes their gender, the system uses the other reproductive system.


Can a Unisex Male become pregnant?

Yes! If the Unisex male's system detects sperm in the womb, He becomes pregnant and goes though the pregnancy like a regular/unisex female.

For information about Ruman pregnancy, click here

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