This page contains information on Ruman Reproduction (obviously). This page may contain info that might make you uncomfortable. if Sexual content, Pregnancy, etc makes you uncomfortable, I recommend going back to the Home page or something. This page contains no images/videos about this topic.



You wish to learn about... that?... well, don't worry I'm more then happy to tell you about it! Rumans make babies the same way that Humans do. however, the pregnancy is a little different from humans.



In Rumans, The symptoms of pregnancy start showing 2-4 hours after sex. The pregnant Ruman begins to feel extreme pain in the womb because The System detects sperm and takes the Sperm's DNA to begin the progress of creating the baby. once the DNA is taken, The system begins generating Body parts and connects the parts together. after 12 Months of pregnancy, The Mother (Or Father if the Ruman's gender is a Unisex male/female) gives birth.


Can a Ruman impregnate a Human (or other way around?)

Yes and Yes. a Ruman can impregnate a Human and a Human can impregnate a Ruman. If the Man is a Ruman and the Female is a human, The Ruman's sperm inserts a tiny device that genarates parts for the baby. that device is called the "Rumanroid GEN65" and it also takes DNA from the female's blood to the child to make the child into a mix from the two partners.


If the Male is a human and the Female is a Ruman, The Female's system does what it would do with a Ruman's sperm.

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